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UNI-T (优利德)

UNI-T (优利德)

UNI-T优利德科技(中国)股份有限公司(以下简称优利德)于1988年在中国创立,总部设于东莞松山湖高新科技园区,向全球用户提供包括电子电工测试仪表、温度及环境测试仪表、测绘测量仪表、电力及高压测试仪表以及测试仪器、并提供实验室综合解决方案。 UNI-T优利德目前拥有员工1000余人,在东莞、成都两地分别设立研发机构,拥有专利200多项,其中发明专利40多项,曾参与制定多项国家标准(GB/T13978、GB/T13970、GB/T14913...),其中“一种三维波形实时显示方法和系统”和“一种宽频率连续可调的脉宽波数字产生方法及系统” 被国家知识产权局(CINPA)授予“中国专利优秀奖”,荣获上海恩可埃认证机构颁发的ISO14001:2015环境管理体系认证证书。UNI-T优利德仪器仪表研发实力在国内外处于领先地位,充分运用多元化传感器应用技术、物联网及云应用技术、高压测量技术、无损测量技术、数字信号采集及处理技术等,将仪器仪表前沿技术和产品带给全球客户。 UNI-T优利德在东莞松山湖高新技术开发区设立45000平方米的现代化仪器仪表制造基地,确保为全球市场提供品质稳定可靠的产品,通过全球九十多个国家的600多个战略合作伙伴向全球客户销售产品及提供专业服务。 UNI-T优利德将“以科技及人文为本”为理念,致力成为世界级的中国民族仪器仪表品牌!

Uni-Trend Technology (China) Co., Ltd. is one of the leading Test and Measurement solutions provider in Asia, a prestige test meter brand in China. Uni-Trend has gained the ISO 9001 Quality Verification Certificate from LRQA in 1998, and obtained well-known certifications including European CE, American UL, Chinese CMC, etc. With R&D centers in Shenzhen, Chengdu, Dongguan, and other regions, Uni-Trend is capable of manufacturing innovative, reliable, high quality, safe to use, and user friendly T&M products. In the international market, Uni-Trend has established collaborations in over 90 countries with more than 600 partners for product distribution and services. Uni-Trend has always been producing products which meet the industry standards, and creating unique innovative solutions in high-growth fields. Uni-Trend is currently developing test meters and instruments in a modern designed 50,000 square meter facility located in Songshan Lake National High-Tech Industrial Development Zone, Dongguan City. With this new facility, Uni-Trend is capable to fully supply product demands from all across the world.
UNI-T's Strength
Design & Development
Facing the ever-changing science and technology in today's society, Uni-Trend can only maintain our goal of producing the highest quality standard products through continuous research and development.
We have dozens of R&D engineers and technical professionals with rich practical experiences and advanced technical skills, resulting in high quality, diversified, and competitive new products. In the process of new products development, Uni-Trend emphasizes on innovation and safety in order to ensure all new products meet our customers' needs and to satisfy safety standards from a global perspective.

Management & Quality
Uni-Trend uses the PDCA model for planning, continuous improving, and actively implementing our top quality management system, which is also based on the ISO 9001 international quality standard system. Uni-Trend's applicable and effective management system has gained positive impacts on product and work quality through strict and effective monitoring.
Uni-Trend in 1998 was awarded the Lloyd's quality certification issued by ISO 9001, becoming the first test instrument manufacturer in China, Hong Kong, and Macao.

Market & Services
In China, UNI-T has 9 representative offices in different provinces with 32 after-sales services spot, 128 distributors, 8 brand exclusive stores, and over 3000 retail stores; 3 flagship stores, 9 exclusive stores and 650 retail stores online.
UNI-T’s sales network also expands to Asia-pacific area, Australia, Western/Eastern Europe and North/South America in the world with 240 key strategic partners, 12000 retail stores and 600 network sellers.

Road  Ahead
Uni-Trend plans to improve the environment and lifestyle of mankind with cutting-edge technology. By constantly improving our technological capabilities and quality standards, we are able to stay competitive in the ever-changing global market.
At Uni-Trend, our solid foundation allows us to maintain and strengthen our corporate culture, adapting to Innovation, High Quality, and Continuous Improvement principles. We are always seeking new paths and cooperation opportunities with friends from all corners of the world.
Uni-Trend will seek to become one of the leading T&M solutions provider in the world.

显示全部Datasheet产品规格书    官网:www.uni-trend.com.cn












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